Meet the Team

Executive / Editor: Harvey Johnson, Y5

The BMSJ offers a great opportunity for students to share their work and understand more about the academic process. I hope that the journal can be a great learning experience for authors, reviewers, and editors alike.

Contact Harvey –

IT / Editor: Henry Carlton, Y5

When I first came to medical school, I was incredibly naïve to the world academic medicine and the process of peer-reviewal and publication. I had no idea how to appraise a scientific article or how to go about publishing a piece of work I was proud of. I was fortunate enough to get exposure through my intercalation in genomic medicine and made contacts that would share their knowledge with me and get me involved in exciting projects. I wanted to be involved in the creation of the Bristol Medical Student Journal to provide greater accessibility to early-career medics and break down some of the walls that prevented me from being involved in research. Simultaneously this will give Bristol medics a chance to share work they’re proud of and hopefully encourage them to incorporate research as a part of their career as doctors.

Contact Henry –

Marketing / Editor: Shruthi Sankaranarayanan, Y5

I am a final year medical student and an aspiring paediatrician. I was exposed to the academic side of medicine during my elective when I was given an opportunity to get involved in a large systematic review about asthma exacerbation in children. I believe that all clinical practitioners should be involved in research in some form, for it not only paves way for the development of medicine, but also allows us to reflect on current standards of patient care. I hope that the BMSJ will be that first step to introduce medical students to the world of academic medicine and inspire them to carry it forward as a part of their career as they begin working as doctors.

Contact Shruthi –

Design / IT: Felix Miller-Molloy, Y5

In my first years at Bristol, I felt overwhelmed by papers and was unsure of how to appraise them, let alone finding one tailored to my interests. It was through student choice projects and journal clubs I gradually understood scientific papers. Bristol Medical Student Journal is a fantastic way to kick-start this learning process for students. I cannot wait to see the impact the BMSJ will have on future Bristol medics, giving them both a platform to showcase their work and a great place to learn some interesting medicine.

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